From Australia, 2011 to France, 1910...
Like many people around, I've been impressed by this recent gigantic flooding in Australia.
There might be little to compare, but I'd like to draw a parallel with a similar drama that happend 100 years ago in Paris when river Seine rose 20 feet above normal level during a whole week, infiltrating buildings and streets throughout the city and suburbs... So far, the greatest flood in the history of Paris... (cf Great Flood of Paris on Wikipedia)
My first postcards show how Stade de Colombes (host of the 1924 Olympics, former home of Equipe de France until the 70s and now home of the Racing Club de France, then known as Stade du Matin, after the name of its owner i.e. "Le Matin" newspaper) was flooded after the river rose above its banks... bad time for rugby... good time for rowing...
If you're interested to see more about this Great Flood, you could browse hundreds of pictures on these two websites :
"crue1910", in French only, developped by French Ministry of Ecology, brings tons of old postcards on a "kind of" Google map.
Pictures below (and many others here) are supplied courtesy of the Historic Cities Center, a joint project between the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Jewish National and University Library . Let me thank the original poster, Ms Ekaterna Kislova... and the original French photographer Mr Pierre Petit.
(Seb, if you read me, the title of this post is for you - sorry, end of the private joke...)
Super titre... mais du Seb, aucune nouvelle...
Posted by: comme fou | 10/01/2011 at 09:32
Ces photos sont impressionantes! Merci pour la leçon d'histoire. Tu sais, je n'ai jamais rien vu de cet histoire avec les innondations parisiennes. Merci d'avoir partagé ces images.
Tu sais, la partenaire de ma tante est de Queensland, et avec les innondations, elle ne peut pas rejoindre avec ma tante, qui habite l'état de Victoria, vers 3h par l'autroroute de Melbourne, car la plupart des autroutes sont detruites par les innondations qui ont tant frappées cet état australien.
Posted by: Steve | 12/01/2011 at 20:15
Merci Steve !
Et tous mes voeux de bonheur et de santé pour 2011
Posted by: Frederic ( | 14/01/2011 at 09:41